
Flirted and Failed

I had my first experience of trying to get into a relationship.

It was a failure. It ended before it could even start.

I think I’ve always had this fear of relationships and the amount of vulnerability that goes into it in the process. Also, I think men kind of scare me. I’m going to assume this has something to do with my family past (you know, being the messy collateral damage of separated parents who seem to hate each other).

I don’t even want to rehash the past of that here. It’s like the story I’ve told a thousand times and now I’m kind of just numb telling it. Consider this as my skipping space, where I don’t have to share the context of everything. Just imagine something for your own benefit and call it a day.

We met online, like how most people of my generation try to meet other people these days.

He was an art student, wearing a black shirt, liked to smoke, and a history of his ex-girlfriend cheating on him. It affected him so badly he spiraled into endless short relationships, substance abuse and lack of enjoyment in work.

When we met he was in this phase of trying to recover from all of that: no to little sex, curbing the nicotine addiction and continuous therapy. He was not looking for a relationship. I thought we were going to be strictly friends only.

I don’t even know what happened, and one thing just lead to another. I ended up liking him, and for him: just another person he liked talking to. I have to admit I’m still trying to learn this whole dating thing.

We just had different expectations at different paces. Basically, he’s just not into me. I wanted to rush ahead, staking claim and getting it done. I mean, it’s not like I loved him or anything.

I guess I just wanted to be someone more than he liked talking to. Admittedly: his impact was important and quite huge. I hope he’s doing okay.




Snips from strangers

During hard times, I talk to  strangers. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that in my previous post. I’ve learned a lot from them, even though eventually I stopped talking to them. They did make a difference in my life, no matter how short it was.

If we’ve ever crossed paths and had an anonymous internet conversation, I would like to say my thanks.

Pirandello was such a reader. Insightful, a reflective personality and seemed like a deep person. Pirandello recommended me to read One, No One and One Hundred Thousand. I started reading it last year, but due to a lot of things that occupied me (aka consumed a lot of intellectual energy) I had to pause reading it. Admittedly, I still haven’t finished it today, left as another tab in my browser (I do have plans to go back to it, though!). I stopped replying because…well, I have no excuse but to say all good things must come to an end.

Panther was an adventurous, mountain  climbing type of person. Actually offered to tour me around snow-capped mountains and wild forests. A part of me was not sure if Panther was just making a grandiose story or actually did experience those things. Up to now I like to believe what Panther told me was all true. One of the stories I remember up to now is while they were in the mountains, they saw a black panther, and how they had a stare off. I replied it must have been beautiful. Now matter what state it was actually in, the panther must have been beautiful. I’m imagining magnetic blue or yellow eyes and shiny black coat.

Paint was another individual. Paint was the first of my many conversations, and someone I remember even though it happened four years ago. A nice individually who talked to me during the difficult times, and comforted me when I couldn’t comfort myself. I think we talked for around one to two months before we just gradually drifted away. One of the things Paint did for me that up to now I remember to this day was when they were the first one to greet me on my birthday. We were in different timezones, and Paint perfectly timed the greeting in my timezone. Honestly, that made me cry.

Occasionally I would wonder what they would be like in real life. Sure, they’ve told me a couple of things, but talking onscreen is vastly different from face-to-face interaction. Were they the same in real life? A scammer of sorts? Because all of those are just special lingering memories never pursued, I like to believe they were as genuine and as real as I’ve talked to.

I wish you all a wonderful day.





I’m being chased by deadlines

I feel a bit stressed again. I’m not sure where to put my worries, and I was never comfortable talking about it with people I actually know.
What if I don’t finish what I’m supposed to finish?

me Mixed Up Writings Stories


It’s funny how it’s been 3 years since my last post. Somehow I still go back to this place just to remind me of the things I’ve been through and how badly I might have handled it. I think I’m a different person now. More decisive, more confident, and also not really caring what everyone thinks. I still have my very sad and angry days, but overall I think I’m doing pretty well for myself.

I guess my issue right now is making and maintaining relationships with people. Anything just a bit romantic and I will probably, literally run away from it. Trust me, that happened. Okay, I’m not sure if it can be considered romantic, but there was definitely a sexual favor right there. I think it scared The Wits Out of Me.

An older guy approached me in a wake and apparently he was a relative’s friend. I made small talk while eating—mostly me just eating and nodding away while he talked. Since I was half-listening what I heard was him asking me, “Is it okay? Are you okay with it? Don’t tell your relatives, okay?” so I figured he just told me some small secret I didn’t catch and I felt like I had to assure him that his secrets were safe with me. I nodded and even said, “It’s okay!” like some idiot. Little did I know he was asking for a tryst.

He then started to ask my number and that time I truly did not have a phone so I said, “Oh, I have no number right now,” and he offered, “I’ll buy you a sim right now, how about that?” and like a clueless person that I am, I agreed. I didn’t know that when people did something for you that meant they would also want something in return. It was quite a sad realization that guys were only nice when they wanted something from you. After that I wouldn’t be so keen in accepting gifts from anyone so easily in the future.

He then started going on about doing whatever under the moonlight and I caught on slowly. Moonlight? What the heck are we gonna do under the moonlight? It shook me so much that my eating speed sped up a lot and I even spilled the water I was drinking. I cleaned up and apologized. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m really sorry.” then I left and ran to the car where I hid for the remaining time.

I acknowledge the fact that it was my fault for not listening. Jeez, I did not expect that it would be that kind of conversation. That’s only one of the few tales I have. The rest will be told when I feel comfortable enough to share it.

I’ve liked one or two people…romantically, I think, but I think I’m still in denial. I’d prefer to be friends. I hate the pressure that you’re immediately supposed to ‘do’ something when you like someone. Friends that know about it tease you, and it just goes on and on… That’s one way to lessen the chances of me actually doing something about it. Everyone going about your business, giving advice when you’re not asking for it and wishing that ‘something’ happens? It’s suffocating.

Maybe it’s why I’ve taken comfort in talking and having conversations to random strangers online. It sounds bad, but it isn’t that bad either. It’s just talk, and you don’t have to be ‘committed’ either. There’s nobody looking at you (apart from the service provider or whoever moderates the service) and chances are your paths won’t cross physically in real life. That’s less drama.

Here’s to the strangers from wherever and the conversations we’ve had: thanks to replying to whatever I’ve been talking about. It’s appreciated.








I recently bought some really cheap Star Wars figures.

When I first bought the set R2-D2 didn’t look much of R2, except of his obvious shape and a bit of black-colored paint around some parts. I started feeling a bit iffy about it so I did what any righteous person liking Star Wars did: PAINT JOB!!!

I didn’t do much of a great job…at least I wouldn’t buy it if it was sold to me. I tried my best, though. And I still love this messy R2. [plus I did this mess so I have no choice]

This post is dedicated to the premiere of Star Wars: Rogue One. Kind of. It’s a good excuse. I just love them droids. C-3PO and I would get along, I think. My wishlist includes an R2 or 3PO plush toy so I can cuddle with it. New droid alert called K-2SO will be my next target.

I heard Rogue One was actually pretty good and knowing how amazing cinematically Star Wars is, I bet I would be blown away if I watched it in 3D.

[Should we end with the May the force be with you salutations?]



Today I read a blog post from this well-known blog. I was going to write about a totally different thing but this just captured my attention and this was just bad advice. Well, at least it kind of sends out the wrong message. I’m usually a pretty agreeable person but it sounds like the whole article was encouraging you to get pregnant right now.

The title was such a click-bait article I actually clicked it. I hope nobody takes this seriously and actually have some life experience by getting pregnant right now. It had its points, but seriously? [By points I mean points that are completely generalized and may or may not be applied to getting pregnant.]

I’m an advocate for life experiences (I love ’em) but having unplanned pregnancy and marketing it as something everyone should do just doesn’t sound appealing, sorry. Not being prepared for personal finance management and having a family at an age where you should be going to school is not for everyone. Of course not all of us will walk this path, but you know what I mean.

I wonder if I’ll ever be consumed by so much emotion I’ll do something irreversible even though it’s not what I normally would do. What I’ve discovered about myself is that I have a strong sense of self-preservation, so even if I do something stupid I’ll more or less know what to do or how to get out when it really gets bad.

Let me just insert how I’ve been spending my time these days: playing games. PC games, more specifically. Unfortunately my own computer doesn’t have the appropriate system requirements to play modern games that eat up a lot of space so I’ve been contenting myself with DOS games and interactive fiction. It’s very 80’s and ancient, but it’s actually fun and has depth.

(It makes you think and imagine a lot because it has limited graphics. The background music comes in dots and bleeps which catches me off guard because here I am in a quiet room and suddenly some putputputputput blasts from the speakers. It’s funny.)

It’s almost midnight here when some guy starts knocking on the gate. I’m sorry, do you know what time is it? Come back tomorrow. Jeez.

I went for a walk this morning and the neighborhood had a lot of christmas lights put up. The streets weren’t as dark anymore and I was surrounded by colorful lights. It was pretty and nice so I think I’ll increase my walks for this month.

Saw an attractive person on the market today. Person wasn’t really my type, but said person was around my age and buying ingredients for food. For some reason I found the act of person buying actual food attractive?

Yes, everyone likes anyone who can cook. It might be a survival thing you look in a partner.

Today’s expenses: $3.16, all on food.


This post doesn’t have much of a point, just me babbling what happened to me.


This blog is 4 years old

It’s a miracle how up to now I can still log in to this account even after all my constant “Forgot Password?” moments. Yay!!! Let’s celebrate.

ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)         (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ              ⊂(◉‿◉)つ        \(• ◡ •)/          *\(^.^)/*

I just reread my blog posts from November 2012 and I cringed a lot more times than I expected.

4 years younger me:

  1. misplaced grammar mistakes
  2. doesn’t know that liking a 21 y/o isn’t pedophile
  3. an abundance of curse words (that was me ranting)
  4. there was someone who liked me? why do I not remember this
  5. wrong definition of the word feminist (I know better now, thank god)
  6. making internet error number jokes
  7. my sentence – word structure is weird / wrong (ex. I had a grimace.)
  8. what is wrong with me
  9. those chuck rhymes (ex. I’d love to chuck your man???)
  10. Who are May, Mary and Nica again? I forgot.
  11. Disney references. Enough said.
  12. I sound so immature it makes me cry (I like to think I’m at least more mature now, yes?)

I won’t be deleting or editing anything as a reminder of my past and what should not be repeated in the future. Please do not use this against me in the future, whoever you are.

Comment below if I’ve missed more hilarious 4 years younger me humor.


An excerpt from my other notebook

I write and think a lot. I can’t help it. I don’t think I’m going to be a professional writer of sorts any soon, but my brain is a buzzing bee that just goes on and on and on until I feel like I have to ‘let it out’ else I’ll  go crazy.

Throughout my elementary years to high school, college and up to now I’m still writing my thoughts (although my want of it fades and comes back continuously) and my ‘notes’ are always filled with other ‘notes’ that mix with other ‘thoughts’. This works for me, amazingly and it keeps me entertained and not dozing off in class.

I don’t really have a specific notebook, they’re all just strewn out there wherever. Here’s one:


Where should I start…okay, let’s talk about love and the guys I’ve liked for the past few years ever since I’ve discovered crushes. You can blame this love talk after listening to this podcast about how to increase your chances of finding love through mathematics (I’m also thinking about art therapy + another psychology discussion in which I forced myself to stop listening otherwise I’ll never fall asleep because I’ll be too awake due to my interest and I’ll keep thinking and here I am not sleeping). 

Anyway. It’s too tiring to discuss the whole thing, but it’s mostly about what exactly you want in a partner using a scoring system algorithm. And then there will be patters on what kind of thing you like, so you’ll have to figure that out yourself.

I was planning on making a love map (qualities you’re looking for) today but then I thought: Okay, I’m pretty young and I’ll still continue to change in the future, so not only may I change, but also my ‘tastes’. And now I’m thinking, “Wait, I don’t have to find *that* guy now, so I might as well do one right now to compare the data / qualities in the future, when I write another list.

I’ve been doing this pattern-finding since I was in high school [Don’t we all have out stereotypical types?] though not as extensively (only mentally) so it shouldn’t hurt to actually have it written down, right? I can’t do it here otherwise it’ll take forever and I need -space- to write on. It’s so hard to follow the train of thought.


When I’m writing on the notebook I’m usually less conscious about the grammar, since my goal is to write down and remember my thoughts when I read them again. I don’t think ahead because I am writing down exactly what my voice in my head is saying. You can see that I  use a number of parentheses so that whatever I’m referencing to might make more sense when I read back.

I still haven’t done my love map. Sorry, me. I guess I’m just not interested enough or I’m just lazy.  When I actually do it I should share it here and I’ll laugh at myself at what kinds of qualities I find attractive.

For the love talk algorithm discussion, find it somewhere in TED talks. Too lazy to remember the whole title, but I’m pretty sure it’s in the ‘Love’ category within some ‘Love’ playlist.
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Live Like You Have An Incurable Disease

I just binge-watched 14 episodes of Korean drama a day before yesterday. The next day I slept pretty much all day. Today I’m going to say something about what I thought.

It’s about a male anchor/reporter who suddenly discovered he had breast cancer. Of course there’s a love story, but my point isn’t really the ‘love’ part, but more of this line his mother said that bothered me a bit when she discovered he was sick. I can’t really directly quote it but it said something along the lines of, “Live your life! Enjoy your life and do what you want!”

It bothered me because most of us don’t even live the lives we want when we’re not sick. We just do what we gotta do. Yet when something big like this happens, when we have something we can’t backtrack on– the mindset that life is fucking short, that we’re gonna die because we have a time limit– only then hits us. We realize we’re only here for a borrowed amount of time, so we run as fast as we can to catch up to do things we didn’t do and actually start making life meaningful and enjoyable. We get scared that the regrets that we’ve been placing in the back of our minds will resurface in our last few minutes.

Life is short. Everyone knows that. All the books, movies and stories you hear from people will keep telling you that until your brain bursts. But the thing is: Nobody knows how short or long it will be. So we start forgetting that life is short because there’s no relative measurement of how short your lifespan can be. Yes, compute it all the probabilities you want from the health, political and economic prospects; but there’s always this mysterious variable that’s called chance. It’s like the lucky or unlucky lottery of life: being in a specific time at a specific place that may or may not be the wrong time and place for that last unfortunate accident of your life.

Do I really want to only start living my life once I have some incurable disease, where death is official and there’s already a predictive X marked on my calendar? Wouldn’t it be like trying to pay of debts of regret I couldn’t pay back when I was splurging on credits of time that didn’t even belong to me, but was actually on loan? When we’re dead and gone, all the money and currency in the world won’t be ours anymore, because someone will inherit them. Then again, if you’re rich enough and know how to manage time, it wouldn’t feel like all you did your whole life was work. The money would actually give you more time, because of instead of you doing it yourself, someone will do it, and make work faster.

If you died tomorrow, if not later, would you have any regrets? Don’t think about the achievements of how you could have changed the world.  Don’t think about the future, but of the present and the past. Think about how contented you would be, dying while doing that thing you were doing at that time. The relationships you couldn’t save, would you have made much more of an effort to repair them if only you had more time? The job you might hate, would you have applied to another one or tried something else if only you had more time?

Don’t give the excuse if only you had more time, because there is never enough time. We’ll never have enough time to do everything we want to do (unless immortality). And if you actually end up doing everything, you might miss out on the things you need and not just want to do. We can only be happy if we’re prepared of what we’re going to lose, in terms of prioritizing the life goals.

To note the end of this and asking myself the same questions: I might regret not going out more to go to those events I keep track of but never actually attend to. The relationships I have…are messy, and not something I can fix on my own. Other than that, I’ve already written down my feelings for those relationships in a separate notebook. Maybe some curious cat will end up reading it one day and I’ll be more understood. No regrets on that one. The relationships that I had more courage to face…I tried my best, and everyday I’m still trying to face the damn demons of mine.

The things I wasn’t able to officially try (experience-wise): I might also regret that a tad bit. But if I’m going to die young, I probably won’t despair much about that because it’s just really not the appropriate time. As if it just wasn’t meant to be.

If I was going to die watching a movie I probably wouldn’t regret it. I won’t regret anything (as much as I can), because once you regret it means all those times you spent on it would be a waste. Once you treat it like trash—that’s all it will ever be: trash. You won’t even be able to recycle it or even just use it as fertilizer.

I don’t like wasting anything.




This is my first time to try layout in anything. I apologize to whoever will see this because it’s embarrassingly made from Paint and not the sophisticated Photoshop. My laptop might overheat since Photoshop takes lots of space in RAM. And I don’t know anything about layout. I just wanted a more visual goals.

My goals may be too spread out, but the point is balancing everything. Too much and too little is bad, from my experience (and I haven’t experienced a lot). If I’m ever looking for a romantic relationship, it would be nice to have someone mature and knows how to plan ahead [because love is never enough].

God knows the world and the people around me have enough debts they can’t even pay off. Study, kids! It’s not just about having a high-paying job, it’s also for your stability and ableness to be independent. It’s great to rely on the government and people you love, but you also have to be able to stand on your own in case the next financial economic crisis hits and hyperinflation hits out of nowhere.

I’m preparing to get my shit together. There’s nothing wrong with having ambitious dreams. It helps the world innovate.
